Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Cuckoo For JuJu

Black, white, and awesome all over.  These awesome hats bring an unexpected and exciting touch to any room no matter what style.

Newly arrived JuJu hat in the store
I know that Juju hats may be a pass trend, but I still and will always have an affinity for them.  They add an unexpected touch and texture to a room while pushing the glamour factor.  They're a bold statement yet soft from the texture of the ethereal feathers.  Not to mention their ceremonious purpose and craftsmanship, makes me pine for them all the more.

Originally, these hat were worn by Cameroonian dignitaries during tribal ceremonies.  Now they have become the rage in interior design.  These African beauties can be a little pricey going between $250 to $600, but their workmanship and stunning nature makes them a great interior design investment.    

Stylist, Thea Beasley, Atlanta Home & Lifestyles
The picture above has two Juju hats flanking each side of the room.  The light color palette, textures, and light makes the room appear very feminine and airy.  The curve of the sofa and chairs also adds to this feeling.  Instead of a large artwork, these Juju hats take center stage.

Every time I see the Hayden Panettiere commercial I think, I want those closet doors!!
Cotton commercial featuring Hayden Panettiere 
Every time this commercial comes on I am mesmerized by this closet.  The one prominent feature on is the Juju hat on the upper right.  It makes the room.

Yelp, this little beauties make me quite cuckoo for the Juju.

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